Maintenance updates are releases of Logical Decisions with a number like The most recent update is version 7.1.006. The last version 6.2 release was 6.2.15. Below are the changes that were made with each maintenance update. Click here to get the latest maintenance update.
version 7.2.001
changed tab look to add close button on tab
fixed bug not allowing uncheck of use label as flag
fixed bug with weight dialog not closing when opening file
fixed but with current special interaction not being highlighted when opening Interactions tab
improved logic when cancelling file new or open
fixed bug selecting third label when assigning minimum utility to alts
added title to brainstorming window tab
fixed bug locking category multipliersafter adding categories in Matrix
made sure scroller includes buttons in Efficient Frontier graph
fixed big blowing up when imported measure ranges don’t match imported SUF ranges
fixed bug showing incorrect weights in group weights display
fixed bug always showing group range in graph weights display
added option to add ideal alternative
made sure to not close current file when canceling file open
fixed bug not updating new category names in Matrix view
fixed bug to make sure weight assessment list is updated after structure changes
fixed bug to make sure interaction method is updated when moving between goals
Fixed bug to select correct goal when assessing interactions
version 7.1.006
added generate random alternatives option
fixed problem with flow of import wizard
version 7.1.005
fixed errors encountered when importing and exporting weights
added category multipliers when exporting weights
version 7.1.004
fixed incorrect labeling in compare alts
corrected problem remembering last preference set used when loading
Version 7.1.003
Fixed bug causing crash when copying compare alternatives window
Version 7.1.002
Fixed bug causing blowup when dragging from tree pane to brainstorming pane in Brainstorming option
Modified key saving method to address bug in trial version counter
Version 7.1.001
first version with COIN-OR CBC solver
fixed bug dispaying group weights
made navigation in facilitator more clear
select text in brainstorming items when starting edits
disable delete button when editing in brainstorming view
remove suf assess buttons from assess U and assess V views
added note about arrow keys in suf assess
added assess U and assess V buttons when assessing SUF
close assess dialogs when opening properties dialogs
Added Buttons to utility calculator to update results
corrected bug in importing sufs
fixed bug allowing efficient frontier with no budgets
fixed bug causing problems with update and append imports
Version 7.0.010
fixed bugs in data entry and saving in networkentry
Version 7.0.009
fixed bug that selected the wrong AHP method in Assess::Common units dialog box
Version 7.0.008
changed version to allow one year group key
Version 7.0.007
fixed bug when calling update option from matrix view
fixed bug not updating SUF edit val when changing
modified to not allow utilities equal to the max or min of range when entering sufs
fixed bug not showing local weights in goals hierarchy view
modified to use probability extreme range when showing alts range in measure dialog
fixed bug sometimes not showing all measure fields when importing
fixed buf blowing up on update/append import options
removed unneeded select button in import wizard
close assessment dialogs when making changes
use utility range from preferences when imporing and exporting
Version 7.0.006
fixed bug selecting assess weights when curgoal has no muf
fixed bug changing preference sets when assess dlg open (by closing assess dlg)
fixed bug not updating goals window weights when changing preference sets
Version 7.0.005
added preference set to export utilities output
rescaled utilities to match user’s utility range
Version 7.0.004
Fixed bug demoting overall goal
Version 6.20.14
Fixed bug causing blowup when displaying flags in some situations
Version 6.20.13
Fixed bug causing gpf when entering too many alternatives in sensitivity graph
Added budget summary to portfolio details display
Fixed bug causing blowup when selecting 10 level PLC distribution
Version 6.20.12
fixed bug causing buffer overrun in tradeoffs with long measure names
Version 6.20.11
Now removes trailing blanks when importing structure
Fixed bug plotting group ranges in ranking results
Version 6.20.10
fixed bug saving unicode text files
Added print text option for quick entry view
Fixed bug reading ahplevsufs from file version 48
Modified LDW LAN station to use UNICODE
Version 6.20.09
Removed development brainstorming option
Version 6.20.08
Added dialog box for Assess::Weights::Graph Weights option
Restored Help::Enter Key option, deleted in switch to HTML help
Added 3 way scatter diagram and efficient frontier using bubble size
Version 6.20.07
added viewer option – contact Logical Decisions for more information
Fixed bug allowing isFlag to be set for continuous variable
Version 6.20.06
Fixed bug saving and reading files with AHP common units
Fixed bug incorrectly normalizing AHP weights
Version 6.20.05
Fixed bug in ranking results options selection
Version 6.20.04
Repaired bugs import and export to tab and comma delimited files (ASCII only)
Force recalculation of certain equivalents after editing probability distributions
Version 6.20.03
Added stacked bar graph to dynamic sensitivity
Combined ranking results and stacked bar graphs
Added modify window feature and implemented for stacked bar graph and others
Improved color preferences dialog
Added html help
Added flags concept and incorporated into ranking results display
Fixed bug causing incorrect display of certain equivalents in rank alternatives display after modifying SUFs
Version 6.20.02
fixed bug saving spreadsheets with UNICODE characters
Version 6.20.01
Fixed bug exporting and importing triangle distribution
Fixed bug caused by special font for measures in goals hierarchy
Version 6.20.00
First UNICODE version
Fixed reading label probabilities to start in col 5 instead of col 6 to match writing
Fixed bug incorrectly displaying std dev in uncertainty summary when non-zero minimum utility
Enabled copy in piano roll and order of buy
Version 6.10.11
Fixed bug copying new preference set from existing
Fixed bug causing group assessment details to not be saved in assessment summary
Version 6.10.10
Fixed bug causing incorrect import of three point distribution
Added AHP Ideal mode for common units elicitation
Version 6.10.09
Fixed bug exporting three point probability distribution
Version 6.10.08
Fixed bug causing incorrect calculation of portfolio utilities when multiplicative form MUFs used
Corrected half u calculation when min utility does not equal 0
Fixed bug causing incorrect printing of multiple page windows
Version 6.10.07
Fixed bug causing blowup when displaying scatter diagram for empty portfolio
Fixed bug incorrectly renormalizing direct sufs
Fixed bug causing optimization model to not load if only one variant defined for an alternative
Version 6.10.06
Fixed bug in Portfolio Window introduced in v6.10.05
Version 6.10.05
Fixed delete option in Portfolio variant window
Fixed truncation of non-integers in variant window
Corrected sizing of variant window
Added ID Num edit to alt group dialog
Include not in a group alternatives in portfolio window max benefit cost calc.
Version 6.10.04
Added import/export SUFs to excel
Added copy sufs or weights among preference sets
Modified common units dialog box to be easier to use
Added check for exclusion in portfolio benefit/cost with constraints method
Fixed bug computing efficient frontier with variants and no MUF for benefits goal
Automatically delete NEW ALTERNATIVE when importing by append or update and append
Version 6.10.03
Now trims trailing whitespace from text labels
Now assigns default utility of 0.0 instead of 1.0 to new labels
Initialize alternatives to “Low” when changing to labels
Assign last label in list when label not found for an alternative
Revises alternative levels when changing label name
Shows label not found in cutoff summary
Shows labels instead of numbers in cutoff summary when used
Improved trapping of cancel button when optimizing portfolio
Fixed bug scrolling portfolios in portfolio window
Added limit on iterations for optimization as scenario member
Increased file type to 48
Added option to create groups from a measure with labels
Added ability to hide groups in portfolio window
Changed default sort in portfolio window to benefit/cost descending for groups and cost ascending for alternatives
Remember portfolio window sort for duration of ldw session
Improved display of other bar in stacked bar ranking
Corrected saving of smarter weights after assessment
Corrected calculation of smarter weights when ties present
Version 6.10.02
Fixes to quick entry window
Fixed operation of scroll wheel
Changed effect of enter key in matrix view to move to next cell down
Improved export to spreadsheet
Fixed problems with saving of preference set matrix to spreadsheet
Fixed problem finding help file
Version 6.10.01
Fixes to increase speed of imports
Version 6.10.00
“Official” release of integrated portfolio tool
Fixed bug selecting wrong budget in allocation constraint definition
Added at most and at least versions of allocation constraint
Fixed bug causing very long measure names to blow upon import
Fixed bug deleting scenario with portfolio windows open
Added Order of Buy and Piano Roll options to efficient frontier
Added scroll through portfolios option in portfolio window
Added preview next and last portfolios options to portfolio window
Added enter key option to help menu
Version 6.00.49
fixed bug blowing up in portfolio version when deleting multiple alternatives
fixed bug blowing up when displaying portfolio window after adding alternatives with an existing portfolio
added “at most N” constraint type
added cleanup when deleting group member
Version 6.00.48
Improved error checking for reply system in group version
Added com port test button in reply system setup dialog
Fixed bug showing incorrect group participant in graph weights option
Fixed bug incorrectly exporting uniform probability distribution
Version 6.00.47
Fixed bug saving after promote/demote
Fixed bug not restoring active group member weights after graph weights
Version 6.00.46
Fixed bug not exporting all of large goals hierarchy, probabilities, weights
Fixed bug improperly sorting measure categories in matrix view
Version 6.00.45
Fixed bug not displaying group information when using AHP
Version 6.00.44
Fixed bug starting group assessment in smart method
Fixed bug when deleting goal used for scenario benefit
Version 6.00.43
Fixed bug causing incorrect scaling of differences in compare alternatives
Fixed bug causing incorrect loading of group input information
Fixed bug causing blowup in Quick Entry view
Version 6.00.42
fixed bug causing blowup in second tradeoff interaction assessment
fixed bug causing incorrect treatment of directly entered utilities when doing simulation for probabilistic levels
fixed bug causing blowup when selecting dynamic sensitivity options with upper pane selected
fixed bug causing restore weights option in dynamic sensitivity to not function
fixed bug causing IO error when reading certain older LDW files
fixed bug causing blowup when entering long strings into compute utilities dialog
changed uncertainty bars in ranking results to reflect median, .25, .75, .05, .95, min and max levels
Version 6.00.41
fixed bug causing incorrect display of scatter diagrams
improved error handling for Excel file sharing violations
fixed bug causing blowup when canceling Review::Common Units dialog
fixed bug causing Excel import cells with formulas to have zero value
Version 6.00.40
Fixed bug causing error when importing weights
Version 6.00.39
added option to select goal and member/measures for compare alternatives
added option to show/not show preference set, title, footnote in display windows
added portfolio, group, efficient frontier and scenario to name preferences dialog
added title and footnote to import export excel files
added import/export weights, goals hierarchy, and probabilities
fixed bug disallowing return in list edits
Version 6.00.38
modifications in support of integrated LDW Portfolio
Version 6.00.37
fixed edits in SUF assessment not updating
improved display of smarter method in assessment summary
fixed review::common units option to work properly
Version 6.00.36
modifications in support of integrated LDW Portfolio
Version 6.00.35
fixed bug when opening files with categories introduced in version 6.00.34
Version 6.00.34
fixed delete key operation in Smart method
improved tab key operation in Smart method
improved error trapping on file read
Version 6.00.33
fixed bug when finishing labels in measure dialog
fixed bug blowing up when deleting members from smarter muf
fixed bug causing scatter diagram to not work in recent versions
Version 6.00.32
fixed bug occurring when switching between windows by clicking
Version 6.00.31
fixed problem not exporting all columns when exporting utilities
Version 6.00.30
fixed bug not releasing menu resources
fixed bug blowing up in Graph Pairs of Measures when alternative utilities directly entered
fixed bug not showing undo item when adding an alternative
Version 6.00.29
fixed bug causing blowup in goals hierarchy when adding goals or measures with a measure category selected.
Version 6.00.28
fixed bug causing blowup in interactions sheet when changing goals
Version 6.00.27
modified ldwdll in preparation for LDW portfolio integration into LDW
added questionnaire for AHP assessments
fixed bug causing AHP dialog to blow up with very long names
Version 6.00.26
fixed bug disabling assess weights after File::New
removed insert option from QuickEntry menus
fixed bug not properly closing Assess::Weights dialog box in new files
Version 6.00.25
Added local dynamic sensitivity option
Added display of multiplicative interactions in Assessment Summary
Added display of interactions warning for product of utilities in dynamic sensitivity and elsewhere
Version 6.00.24
Fixed bug causing error when dragging split point in SUF assess
Version 6.00.23
Save widths and heights in smarter spread when doing review and group assessment
Changed to not renormalize order in smarter assessment (including group assessment)
Fixed bug to correctly display utility with adjusted range in direct suf assess
Added group assessment for direct SUF
Added group assessment for SUF
Fixed bug incorrectly displaying edits and buttons in tradeoffs
Added group assessment for tradeoffs
Improved zooming in direct entry and elsewhere
Added preference set labels to group numbers in assessment summary
Fixed bug to update goals hierarchy after pasting
Version 6.00.22
Fixed bug assigning index to edits when assessing
Improved positioning of direct entry, smart and smarter assessments with long names
Fixed bug dragging wrong item in quick entry
Version 6.00.21
Added group start to AHPSpread toolbar
Fixed bug causing no result on group return in AHPSpread
Fixed bug making timed backups when option turned off
Version 6.00.20
Fixed problem displaying % sign in Quick Entry and elsewhere
Fixed problem not displaying matrix view title in window list
Version 6.00.19
fixed bug causing import results dialog to not display
Version 6.00.18
First public release of version 6.0
Version 5.125
Fixed bug causing abnormal termination when exporting utility function including goals with no members
Version 5.124
Fixed bugs in related to construction of file names when opening and saving
Modified LDW file structure to remember last setting for name type (Name only, ID Number only or Both)
Fixed bug causing abnormal termination if trying to assess weights for a goal with no members
Modified weight dialog box tree diagram to reset scroll bars to 0 when opening
Renamed global weight hierarchy menu item to overall weight
Fixed bug causing improper sort by weight in spreadsheet views
Version 5.123
Fixed bug when exporting more than 32 measures to Excel
Version 5.122
Fixed bug not deleting group levels when deleting measures and alternatives
Version 5.121
Fixed bug when pasting probability interaction.
Fixed bug to force update of Matrix view when pasting a goal into the goals hierarchy view
Version 5.120
Fixed bug exceeding bounds when moving group member to or from bottom of list
Added “none” when displaying null response in group version direct entry mode. Allow delete entry by replacing response by “none”
Version 5.119
Fixed bug of not updating group numbers when modifying group participants
Version 5.118
Fixed bug when deleting members of a group
Version 5.117
improved speed and added flexibility in ID naming for cut and paste operations
Made modifications to allow for wrapping when exporting more than 256 measures to Excel
Version 5.116
Fixed bug causing problem when copying goals with long names and changing their names
Version 5.115
Fixed bugs related to changing to labels when categories present.
Version 5.114
Fixed bug that might display same most and least preferred in SMART assessment window.
Version 5.113
Fixed bug not displaying label measures in assessment summary. Fixed bug causing exception when clicking on point in Assess SUF window. Fixed bug causing improper sorting of stacked bar ranking. Fixed bug causing improper legend coloring of stacked bar ranking. Fixed bug in preventing opening of example.ldw. Fixed bug causing scatter diagram to go black when using patterns. Fixed bug dropping one measure in tradeoff summary diagram when optimizing.
Version 5.112
Fixed bug causing GPF when deleting goals with tradeoffs in multiple preference sets. Fixed bug GPF when trying excel import with non-spreadsheet. Improved consistency of non-ldw file opening. Ensured that filename extension added on export if none given. Fixed bugs related to improper file handles generated on save text option.
Version 5.111
fixed bug incorrectly printing cr in AHP assessments.
Version 5.110
Fixed bug to correctly display fonts when printing adjusted to fit to page. Fixed bug to correctly move questionnaire and extra picture when adjusting picture origin. Fixed bug that incorrectly positions A/B in tradeoffs after adjusting picture origin.
Version 5.109
Fixed bug in goals hierarchy dialog box causing ID numbers to not display when requested.
Version 5.108
Fixed bug causing infinite loop when cutting a goal containing the last measure in an analysis.
Version 5.107
Corrected bug causing GPF on cancel in matrix dialog box. Added variable to track and save last number of levels in shown in goals hierarchy view
Version 5.106
Fixed bug incorrectly displaying local weights in goals hierarchy.
Corrected bug that incorrectly printed multiple pages for large windows.
Version 5.105
Force weight changes in dynamic sensitivity to be between 0.1 and 99.9. Added sensitivity menu to dynamic sensitivity, including restore weights and save weights options.
Version 5.104
Fixed bug displaying incorrect name in alternative dialog when both ID and Name option selected in names dialog box.
Version 5.103
Fixed bug causing GPF when canceling from selecting representatives in the Smart method. Fixed bug preventing copying of the dynamic sensitivity window to the clipboard. Fixed intermittent bug causing GPF when displaying menu item descriptions.
Version 5.102
Fixed bug causing GPF when saving files.
Version 5.101
Added the ability to assess group levels for measures with labels in the group version. Added the ability to set numeric cutoffs for measures with labels.
Version 5.100
Migrated entire program to MS Visual C++ from Borland C++. Streamlined code structure and fixed many bugs from version 5.0xx.
Version 5.036
fixed bug when importing from data from Excel and using labels to update numeric levels.
Version 5.035
fixed bug that caused the Ecxel worksheet not to automatically recalculate when using the export utility function to spreadsheet option.
Version 5.034
eliminated export of text to the clipboard from display windows to fix problems the clipboard was having reading this information
Version 5.033
fixed bug causing improperly computed consensus weights in direct entry in the group version
Version 5.032
fixed a bug in the group question window to correctly startup the Fleetwood button boxes
version 5.031
fixed bug in measure equivalents ranking due to new alternatives now having lowest instead of highest utility.
version 5.030
fixed bug in importing and exporting dbase III files.
version 5.029
fixed bug incorrectly assigning label SUF type when reading old AHP files.
version 5.028
fixed bug when clicking on summary cell in matrix view
fixed bug incorrectly retaining label probability after cancel.
version 5.027a
corrected several bugs in the matrix view relating to labels
made changes to try and fix printing too many pages problem in NT.
version 5.027
improved display of percentage weights with long names
fixed bug displaying histogram of label suf when utility range is changed. corrected display of utility range for direct suf in assessment summary. corrected display of long names in direct muf in assessment summary. made changes to allow word wrap of labels in matrix view. the previous change requires left justifying labels in matrix view. improved the checking and locking of matrix cells. made adjustments to allow very long labels
version 5.026
added “delete all alternatives” option
added “show data entry status” option in matrix view
version 5.025
allows for better adjustment for long names in tradeoff assessment windows. fixed bug in stacked bar ranking to display proper colors in legend.
version 5.024
changed default for new alternatives and measures to worst (0.0) level rather than best (1.0) level
version 5.023
fixed bug drawing petal diagram outer circle in black&white
fixed bug potentially dividing by zero when drawing graph pairs or scatter diagram.
version 5.022
fixed legend in tradeoff graph and stacked bar graph to accomodate long names.
version 5.021
added ability to do group assessment for AHP on labels.
version 5.020
fixed bug to update matrix after changing category multipliers using assess:category multipliers. fixed bug causing common units dialog to blowup for long goal/preference set names. added check in lddirect to ensure enough us in associated direct suf. fixed several bugs to allow deletion of objects with long names. added outer circle around petal diagram
version 5.019
fixed bug causing problems in goal dialog when member names > 80 characters. fixed bug when adding and deleting alternatives with direct or ahp sufs. added “Save Spreadsheet” option
version 5.018
increased string buffer lengths in assess::weights dialog box
added ID number as a display option in goals hierarchy
improved display of long names in hierarchy. fixed bug limiting alt names to eighty characters
version 5.017
added petal diagram option to graph alternatives option
changed .emf file extension to lower case. forced addition of emf extension when saving graphic files. fixed bug sorting in SMART method. improved location of edits in smart and direct when adjusting picture. improved bar length maintenance in smart and direct after adjusting picture. added FALSE to VLOOKUP formula in export utility function to Excel.
version 5.016
fixed bug when assessing group tradeoffs. fixed bug to properly display units in smarter and direct assessment methods. set default sort order in direct, smart and smarter methods to by weight, descending. fixed bug cutting and pasting measures with categories
version 5.015
modified data entry in label probability dialog box
version 5.014
fixed bug importing data for categories. fixed bug displaying proper selections when choosing import fields. added sort option to comments summary display
version 5.013
fixed bug for adding measures under very long goal names
version 5.012
restored computation of AHP SUF suf function. fixed bug when copying text to clipboard. added computation of AHP SUF for labels suf function. retain utiltities when moving from ahp to direct suf.
version 5.011
fixed bug when assessing utility/value in group version
fixed cut and paste for levels in matrix. increased colors to 15 in various displays. added histogram display option to review::common units. added new average flag to dialog box at end of group assessments. fixed improper display of entries when redoing group inputs. fixed offset redraw when returning from group weight assessments. allow sorting of weight entry screens before review.
version 5.010
fixed up import from excel for a particular record type
fixed up import from excel formula records resulting in strings
version 5.009
fixed bug when updating the currently active goal, measure, etc.
added goal name to matrix view title
fixed bug importing from excel
now saves field names used when exporting measure levels
version 5.008
fixed bug miscalculating direct suf for displays
fixed bug to allow saving of assessment screens as graphics files
fixed bug to allow all comments when displaying comments
fixed bug to force scroller to top in wt assess screens when clicking done
version 5.007
modified copy tradeset routines to avoid writing to file.
fixed up greying in add names to group dialog
fixed bug miscounting labels after changes
version 5.006
fixed bug improperly displayiing units in SUF assess window
fixed bug greying common units assess
version 5.005
properly set focus after exiting sort dialogs
will replace numbers below epsilon with zero in certain displays. added the check to drawtrade
added graceful exit to tradeoff when user closes with X
fixed bug to make tradeoff::revise range work properly
fixed bug that caused blowup on minimizing tradeoff
version 5.004
fixed bug saving names when loading from an import file
fixed bug reading old files with ahp sufs
fixed infinite recursion when computing certain equivalents for probabilistic levels when changing preference sets
allow for no responses in a group assessment
fixed stddev calculation for group numbers to not include consensus and average
version 5.003
made modifications to allow generation of an LDW dynaamic link library
fixed bugs copying and pasting goals in goals hierarchy view
fixed bugs copying and pasting measures in goals hierarchy view
fixed bugs copying and pasting measures in matrix view
fixed bugs copying and pasting alternatives in matrix view
fixed bugs deleting measures and categories in matrix view
fixed bugs cutting and pasting measures and categories in matrix and goals hierarchy views
version 5.002
fixed bug to display matrix properly after dialog boxes
added comments to replyps group assessments
allow the questions used in group assessments to be retained
allow the display of a benchmark during group assessments
removed consensus and average from named group list in the preference set dislog box
version 5.001
improved tracking of focus after dialog boxes
fixed bugs in import from Excel option
fixed bugs in reply ps operation in group version
fixed bug when entering new measure in matrix
restricted length of measure labels to 79 characters to prevent spreadsheet blowups
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